Happy Submarine Day!

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April 11 marks the day USS Holland VI – the first modern submarine to be commissioned by the U.S. Navy – was purchased. Since then, this day has been reserved on the calendar to honor the servicemen and women who spend inordinate periods of time within the tight confines of navy submarines to keep our shores safe.

Watch our video below and take part in an exclusive AMA session TODAY with ex-submariner and Community Contributor extraordinaire, JiveTurkey!

TODAY – JiveTurkey AMA

AMA Starts: Sat. 11 Apr. 18:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Join Community Contributor and former US Navy submariner JiveTurkey today on Instagram for a live AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the World of Warships Instagram!

JiveTurkey joined the US Navy in 1990 as a Submarine Sonarman. Over the course of his 20-year career under water, he was deployed to both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, where he took part in intelligence gathering and evaluation of foreign navies. In this capacity, he was involved in the testing of new sonar equipment, as well as the development of Anti-Submarine Warfare tactics. Jive retired from the Navy in 2010 and finished college the next year. From there, he began to casually upload videos to YouTube in 2014 where he would provide expert commentary over the backdrop of naval topics and games, eventually turning his hobby into a full-time job in 2017. JiveTurkey joined World of Warships CC program in June 2019, and he now also writes Naval History “Submarine Briefings” (Sub Briefs) on his Patreon account.

Follow JiveTurkey on social media:

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Jive Turkey

Naval Legends: Subaquatic edition

Catch up on your submarine history with our Naval Legends documentaries:

April 11 marks the day USS Holland VI – the first modern submarine to be commissioned by the U.S. Navy

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